Although hardly any
banking act defines it in this parlance, the business of banking is
basically about service delivery. Consequently, the introduction of
facilities that enhance the delivery of banking services in a cost-effective
manner is always a welcome development. This is what Information Technology
With increasing
competition in the market place, and several modes of delivery for banking
products and services, channel management has become an important issue ',
not only in retaining customer loyalty but maintaining and growing overall
profitability. Information Technology (1- T.) provides the platform to
achieve both - anywhere in the world. The same is true in Nigeria. Though
the introduction of I.T to me business of banking in Nigeria is barely a
decade old, the fragility of our present legal framework to accommodate the
myriads of complex situations and problems arising from the integration of
I.T into delivery of banking services is fast becoming apparent.
In this paper, we will
focus on the practical issues that arise from the adoption of I.T in the
banking business,
primarily through a legal perspective.
This paper is divided
into four parts, m part I, we will look briefly at the concept of I- T,
Electronic Banking (E-B.) tracing the history of E. B. in Nigeria. Part 2
will examine the operational modalities of electronic banking - highlighting
the practical issues arising therefrom.
The third part will
analyse the highlighted issues within the confines of our legal framework,
and finally, suggestion for reform as well as means of managing risks of
conducting business on the internet will be prescribed in the last section.
Information Technology (I.T)
I. T. in summary refers
to any activity that uses information to fulfill its mission such as those
activities whose primary job tasks involve acquiring, building ,
maintaining, operating and supporting the systems that collect and process
information.2 It is the entire business of gathering, collating, analysing,
transmitting and storing, recalling, accessing or in anyway dealing with or
making I.T translates therefore to the use of computer system and
telecommunication facilities in the conduct of operation whereby transaction
initiation and execution are facilitated by technology-
* Paper delivered by Mr.
Seye Kosoko at an International Conference on Electronic Commerce and
Telecommunications in Nigeria on 26/9/2002
1. Balachandran/Guru -
E.B. Developments in Malaysia: Prospects & problems (2000) J.I.B.L., Issue
2 Quality Assurance
Manager's Handbook, Orlando, Florida: The Quality Assurance Institute, 1991.
In banks, IT contributes
to faster execution of transactions through the integration of the front and
back office functions, resulting in enhanced product and service delivery
and ultimately increased transaction volumes.
electron ic Ranking (E.B.)
E.B. in the simplest of
terms is the execution of banking transactions with electrically provided
information. E. B. enables the execution of information based transactions
between two or more parties using interconnected networks. This may be by
magnetic tape, disc, telecommunication or wireless application protocol
links. The terms E.B or Electronic funds Transfer (EFT) are used
interchangeably and refer to the payment of a customer's instruction by
electronic means. So long as the interbank communciation is by electronic
means, me Funds Transfer (FT) will be classified as electronic. EFT
eliminates the use of paper in effecting payment orders, replacing paper
documents with electronic pulses which can be processed by computer.3
Electronic payments
really have not much to do with money. What happens in EFT is that debts are
transferred from one bank to another. The only connection with money is that
the units in which the debts are denominated are real money units.4 EFT
systems are primarily concerned with the management of information, i.e. the
transmission of information between banks and the resulting change in bank
records. The effect of an EFT between each banks and its customer is that
there is a change in the respective indebtedness of the bank and the
From the foregoing, it
becomes apparent that IT and E.B. are inextricably linked and indeed E.B.
may be properly described as a subset and offshoot of IT.
Types of E.K.
E.B. has evolved over
the year from mere computerisation of customers' accounts and account
information and Automated Teller Machines (ATM) which allows for deposit and
withdrawals of cash and transfer of funds, to Telebanking which allows
delivery of branch financial services via telecommunication devices where
bank customers can perform retail banking transaction (with the exception of
withdrawals) by dialing into a touch tone telephone or mobile communication
unit, which is connected to a an automated system of the bank by utilising
Automated Voice Response technology-^ A more recent innovation in the
Nigerian E.B. terrain is the PC based banking. PC banking refers to the
process of banking at home/office by subscribing to and dialing into a
bank's intranet via a proprietary software system. PC banking makes it
possible for computer literate customers who possess a PC and a modem to
perform banking transactions from the comfort of their homes/offices.h
Internet banking is the latest progression of E.B. in Nigeria. Internet
banking does not require the use of any proprietary software, unlike in PC
banking - only browsers are used. Banking on the net allows for two
scenarios namely:
• Banks with an
existing branch of networks offering financial services through the internet
• Banks without any
branches offering banking services through the internet (Virtual banking).
Internet banking still
being at an embryonic state in Nigeria, the range of banking services that
are offered via the net are largely limited- Whilst in the developed world,
the services described above are offered by majority of banks, only few
banks in Nigeria can honestly boast of E.B.
3 Lanre Ola Oluwa: Basic
Lessons on Information Technology Law (1998) 2 MIL BQ 49 P. 50
' 0. Ajayi. Legal
AspecLs of Electronic Banking in Nigeria - a paper delivered at ADCG Seminar
Preventing Fraud in an
Electronic Banking Environment - 20/2/98
5 Cititel from Citibank
Nigeria, GTB also offers this service
6 Paylink, Citibanking
on-line from Citibank Nigeria
services beyond
computerisation of account information and branch interconnectivity. The few
banks who have exceeded
this amongst the few banks which offer a wider variety of E.B.
products/services and
products include provision ofATMs, debit cards, smart cards, PC banking,
telebanking and internet
Apart from appalling
basic infrastructure (notably electricity and telecommunications), other
factors which contribute
to the low growth and acceptance of E.B. in Nigeria include the
reluctance to move away
from traditional hard cash and general mistrust in our society and the
high level of illiteracy
prevalent in the country as well as the present level of computer literacy
even amongst the
Additionally, an
enlightened customer considers three factors before submitting to a new
technology -
convenience, minimal costs and maximum security, m promoting E.B. products
and services, Nigeria
banks must be able to clearly demonstrate to the customers that these
have been diligently and
practically addressed- Banks should also embark on enlightenment and
marketing drives which
emphasise the availability, ease and advantages of E.B. services and
products. Finally, banks
must ensure that the services are simple, easy, user-friendly and of
sufficiently high
quality to ensure customer satisfaction.
PART 1] - Operational
and Practical Issue Arising from E-B.
As mentioned above, what
really happens in E.B. is a transfer of debts between the parties
involved by electronic
means. , Banks (as well as customers) are therefore concerned that these
are not only duly authorised and initiated, but that they have not been
repudiated or interfered
Due Authorisation cmd
A key issue that arises
from E.B. is that of the viability of the authorisation limitation of E.B.
Traditionally, customers authorise banks to execute transactions on their
behalf via
documents which were
duly executed/signed. With the advent of E.B- - Personal Identification
Numbers (P.I-NS),
digital signatures, biometrics, dynamic signature analysis have replaced the
manual signature of
How do banks verify
electronic instructions? Who bears the risk of unauthorised instruction?
When funds are
mistakenly transferred to the wrong account, is the beneficiary bound to
same? Does the
transferee have any rights against a recipient who converts such funds to
his own
use, being fully aware
of the wrong transfer? These arc part ofthe questions that arise from E.B.
Privacy issues also
arise from E. B. E.B. transactions are not as anonymous as cash transactions
as details ofE. B.
transactions can be recorded in a central data bank. Details ofthe
identity will be
recorded as they initiate transactions and since E.B- can be used to conduct
a wide
variety of transactions,
a record ofthe an individual's movements and purchasing habits can be
created. This is the
more so with the use ofthe smart card technology.
Should customers be
notified of or consent to potential uses and disclosure of information?
Other risks of breach of
the banker's duty of confidentiality to its customers in an E.B. arena may
arise either from bank
employees who obtain and misuse customer information or from outsiders
who obtain access into a
bank's system by hacking into it?
Who bears the risk of me
breach of privacy/confidentiality of the customer? Should there be a
rigid rule or should it
depend on the circumstance of breach? What due diligence measures
should the bank have
taken to minimise the occurrence of the risk?
Money Laundering
The ease with which
electronic funds transfer can be used to facilitate money laundering has
serious implications for
E. B. The good news though is that the transaction trail which E.B.
provides can assist the
regulators track funds flow, setting up an audit trail which may discourage
the use of the financial
system for such illicit activities.
Electronic Records
E.B. necessarily means
that preservation and retention of transaction records will be by electronic
means- The mode of
electronic record retention must therefore be such as allows the electronic
record remain accessible
so as to be usable for subsequent reference, to be retained in its original
form or which accurately
represents the original information and which allows for the retention of
the identification of
(he origin, destination and the date and time for dispatch or receipt of the
electronic record.7
The requirement of
various enactments8 on retention of banking records must be borne in mind in
preserving electronic
Computer and Other
Electronically Generated Evidence
Following from the fact
that records of E. B transactions must be stored electronically is the mode
of evidencing these
transactions in the even of disputes arising from E.B. transactions. The
here is whether our
rules of evidence recognise electronically generated evidence. Would a PIN
under the extant
Nigerian law be described as a signature?9 Do our rules of evidence require
revision to accommodate
the new concepts resulting from E.B. which arc unknown to our
substantive let alone
adjectival law? These are some of the evolving problems that I. T - E.B.
pose to our present
legal framework.
Where E.B. involves the
use of cards, the issuer must carefully address the issue of liability
arising fl-om the use of
the card by the cardholder. This will be primarily a matter of contract. Of
course the cardholder
will be liable for any authorised use of his card.
Can the cardholder be
liable for the tort of negligence however? To establish negligence, the card
issuer must be able to
establish the duty of care on the cardholder, foreseeability of damage
resulting from the
cardholder's conduct, the carelessness of the cardholder and the causal
7 Fong. H-Commerce: A
legislative Initiative in the Hong Kong SAR Vol. 15 Issues 3 JIBL 2000
s Money Laundering Act,
1995 - Section 7, Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act, 1991 - Section
9 See generally,
Osiha]0: "Problems of Proof Computer and Other Electronically Generated
Hvidence in
Local and International
Financial Transactions'" - published in International Finance & Kxtemal Debt
Management, Workshop
papers of U NDP Conference on international Financial Transaction/Intcmal.ional
Banking, May 1991 P.
connection between the cardholder's
carelessness and the damages caused to the issuer10 The
burden of proving
negligence falls on the issuer, which may not be easy to discharge --
in proving the
cardholder's carelessness. It is advisable to recover from a negligent
cardholder in
contract rather than
tort especially where contract terms are clear. An issuer negligent in
performing its
obligations will also be liable to the cardholder. Where the issuer does not
properly verify
customer's signature or authorisation instruction, the issuer will bear the
brunt of
fraudulent transaction.
liability For Misuse
Common law principles of
contract governs question of liability for misuse of charge and credit
cards. Where me misused
token is a smart card or cheque card, additional consideration based on
agency principles apply.
It may be argued that regardless of the terms on which the card is
issued, a bank is not
entitled to debit its customer's account for an unauthorised transaction.11
The argument here is
based on the allocation of risks connected with the use of smart. The better
view may be though, to
pre-determine where the responsibility of risk will lie where the misuse
of the medium of
exchange is as a result of the negligence or fault of the customer, the
will be responsible for
loss resulting therefrom - e.g. where a cardholder fails to give notice of
the loss or
misappropriation of the token. Wordings of smart/cheque card clauses may be
worded to ensure that
bank's liability is confined to payment on smart cards authorised by, or of
cheques signed by the
real cardholder.
The type of taxation
applicable to E.B. transactions should also be considered- VAT is the most
pertinent, being a tax
on me consumption of goods & services. Banks should take into account
the computation of VAT
charging for E. B. transactions.
PART III - Legal
Framework for EB in Nigeria
The first point to note
here is that there are no legal regulations whatsoever relating to
Banking in Nigeria. The
problems highlighted above have no solutions in our extant legal
dispensation. Even banks
conducting E.B. transactions need no special permission to do so from
the CBN.
We can however suggest
solutions to the problems highlighted based on the general principles of
contract, as well as
prescribe guidelines for the development of Nigerian Law in this area.
Digital Signalure/PINS/Authentication
of Electronic Signatures and Instructions
While fraudulent
transactions resulting from misuse of these (signatures) can be practically
technically guarded
against by tight security and encryption mechanisms (such as public key
biometrics, dynamic signature analysis), liability resulting from the misuse
largely be regulated by
contract. Players in the E.B. arena should clearly distribute responsibility
in the event
ofcrystalization of this risk. E.B. being a relatively new terrain in
Nigeria, customers
will lack the muscle to
properly bargain advantageous contractual terms. As such it may be
prudent for regulators
to wade in cautiously to protect the customer. Contract terms may however
10 I.T.A.V. Amrani
(1994)3 NWLR (Pt 331)P 300, Wmfield & Jolowiczon Tort (14th Edition) p.78
'] 0. Ajayi Op cit I .cgal
aspects of Electronic Banking et al ...... Op. oil
specify that Banks
receiving an electronic message arc authorised to accept any properly
authenticated message
which purportedly emanates from the sender, and may act on it without
making any enqury aboul
the circumstances of the instruction.''
Privacy/Confidentiality i
Conflicts which may
ensue from privacy and confidentiality issues can also be curtailed by
conn-actual provision
expressly obtaining the customer's consent to disclosure of information to
third parties. The scope
of the disclosure should be clearly defmed however, in order to achieve
balance and not entirely
remove the confidentiality foundation of the banker - customer
Money laundering
Whilst parties may
expressly agree not to use E.B. facilities to aid laundering activities, the
current Money Laundering
Act (MLA) place reporting and know your customers obligations on
financial institutions -
which should be adhered to in the conduct of their business, the manner of
service/product delivery
not withstanding. With smartcards, transaction trails can be recorded
electronically and this
will also assist the regulators in monitoring laundering-!'
Electronic Record &
Electronically Generated Evidence
Modifications are
necessary to our present law of evidence to accommodate both electronic
records and
electronically, generated evidence- Even the MLA must be interpreted to
electronic records when
it prescribes the length of time records must be preserved under the Act.
electronically/computer generated evidence, courts would do well to
interpret our present
laws so as to
accommodate the new concepts arising from E.B. The courts should be willing
accept me evidence of
use of a PIN as raising a presumption that the cardholder authorised the
transaction- The courts
may also take judicial notice of computerised system of keeping accounts
in the commercial and
banking sectors in Nigeria14 In Anyeabosi V- R. T. Briscoe15 , the
Supreme court admitted a
computer print out as secondary evidence under section 97(i)(d)(g) of
the evidence Act.
Negligence and Liability
For Misuse
The contracts regulating
the E. B. transactions should plainly determine responsibility and
remedies in the event of
negligence. Nigeria, not being subject to any equivalent of the Unfair
Contract Terms Act of
1977, banks here may provide elaborately for exclusion of liability in
certain situations and
the distribution of responsibility under various scenarios.
12 Clive Freedman:
H-Commerce - the U.K's Draft Electronic Commerce Bill - (1999)
J.B.L. Issue 12.
13 Sections 2,6(2), 6(2)
& 10(i) - Money Laundering Act, 1995
14 See Ogolo v 1MB
(1996) NWLR (P 419) P 314 al 32%- See S.74 Evidence Act Cap 112,1990. Note
that in the three levels
of our superior courts of record-courts here have accepted computer
evidence - See Anyeabosi
V. R. J. Briscoe and Kate Enterprises v. Daewoo (1985) 2 NWLR (P 5)P 116.
15 (1987) 13 NWLR (Pt
59) p 84
Jurisdiction and Choice
of Law Issues
These should be clearly
addressed in advance by contract to avoid uncertainty. This is not so in
the case ofTortious
liability. Since E.B. especially internet, banking is available to a wide
of persons across
varying jurisdictions, each jurisdiction will apply its own rules for
the applicable law of
Regulatory Supervision
of E.B.
What role should the CBN
play in regulating E.B.? What permission should a bank which wishes
to use E.B. as a service
delivery mode obtain before proceeding? What new laws need to be
introduced? What new
crimes must be defined?
It is arguable whether
the private sector should be the chief decision maker as regards policy and
operational issues of
E.B- and that the Government should only intervene when there is clear
evidence of market
failure or deficiencies.1([
In Nigeria today,
strictly speaking, CBN approval is not even required to launch E.B. products
services. Mere
notification prior to lake off of the product/services is sufficient.17
Taking into
consideration, the
complexities of E.B. transactions which are still evolving daily, we suggest
informed attention
should be paid more closely to E-B. by our regulators. However, given the
global nature of E.B.,
the internet will need to be regulated through international rather then
purely territorial
means18. It js in view of this that a light interventionist approach of
regulation is
suggested- Regulators
should at the very least be concerned with the security of online banking19.
In coming up with
regulations/guidelines for E.B., study groups/committees should be formed,
commissioned with
studying the growth of E.B. in Nigeria and charting a course forward for a
practical regulatory
In charting a course for
the development of the law in respect of E.B. in Nigeria, the following
principles should
undcrgird the evolution of relevant laws:
• Ensuring that
business people/customers can choose whether to do business through the use
of paper documentation
or by electronic means without any avoidable uncertainty arising out
of the use of electronic
means of communication.
• Ensuring that the
fundamental principles underlying the law of contract and tort remain
untouched save to the
extent that adaptation is required to meet the needs of electronic
• Ensuring that any
laws which are enacted to adapt the law of contract or the law of torts to
use of electronic
commerce are expressed in a technologically neutral manner so that changes
to the law are not
restricted to existing technology and can equally apply to technology yet to
be invented.
16 Jason Chuah: The New
EU Directives to regulate electronic Money Institutions (2000) JIBL - Issue
17 CBN Circular Ref. No.
BSD/CR/8/98 on Guidelines for the Introduction of New Financial Products and
Advertisements by
Deposit Taking Financial Institutions of 23/3/2000.
18 Sawyer; Electronic
Transactions B.U for New Zealand (Part I) [2000] J. I.B.L. issue 10
19 Fong: E-Commerce: A
legislature Initiative in the Hong Kong SAR op Cit.
Freshfields: Don't get
caught in the internet: Know your liabilities - July 2000 publication at
http\\ :www. freshfields.
• Ensuring
compatibility between principles of domestic and private international law
applied in Nigeria and
those applied by the country's major trading partners.
Further, the following
questions need to be addressed in respect of banking law and taxation:
• Is there any need lo
control the issue and use of electronic money? (e.g. smartcard).
• What form of
registration should issuers of electronic money undergo?
• Is special
legislation necessary to prevent money laundering in an E.B./e-commerce
arena, or
to protect consumers
from an issuer's default?
• Is there any need to
be concerned about the international movement of electronic money?
• What (if any) are the
legal or economic implications arising from allowing "electronic money
issued in one country to
be redeemed in another?
• Should banking issues
be addressed by our law reform commissions or CBN or both?
• Are any further steps
beyond redefining "writing" and "signature" to include electronic
equivalents, necessary
to facilitate paperless international transactions?
• Is there a case for
special rules for taxation of electronic transactions? Should these issues
addressed by the Law
Reform Commissions or FBIR or both?
• Is there a need for a
revision of our criminal codes to accommodate computer related crimes?
The answers to these
questions will doubtless go a long way to create a balanced regulatory
environment for the
operation ofE.B. in Nigeria.
A cursory look at the
legal issues generally arising from conducting business on the internet is
necessary before
concluding our discussion. The key potential liabilities for conducting
on the net are
summarised below:
(a) Contractual
Unwanted contractual
obligation may arise where service providers/suppliers are not in
control of the
acceptance process. A prescribed method of acceptance should be defined
to avoid uncertainty.
Additionally, e-suppliers need to be aware of the steps to be taken
to ensure effective
incorporation of the e-suppliers terms and conditions. Care should be
taken with disclaimers
of liability, jurisdiction and choice of law clauses and arbitration
agreements on websites
and in e-contracts.
(b) Tortious
E-suppliers may also be
exposed to tortious liabilities arising from materials placed on
their web sites - e.g.
fraud by an employee in the scope of his authority,
negligent, misstatement and defamation.
(c) Jurisdiction and
Choice of Law for Torts
Whilst the jurisdiction
and choice of law for resolution of disputes arising under contract
can be prescribed
clearly in advance, this is not so in the event of tortious liability. Each
jurisdiction will apply
its own rules for determining the law to be applied to torts.
Determining the
applicable law gives rise to uncertainty if there are number of competing
jurisdictions in which
one or more elements of the tort may have taken place. Each case
20 These arc the guiding
principles upon which the New Zealand Commission to analysis of developing
commerce regulations
were based. See Sawyer - Supra. See also N.2 Law Commission Report 50:
Electronic Commerce Fart
One : A Guide for the legal & Business Community (Oct. 1998) available at
is likely to turn on its
own particular facts. The law of the country which has the most
significant relationship
with the tort and the parties may however be applied.
(d) Defamation
E-suppliers are likely
to be liable for defamatory materials written, edited or published on
their website.
Defamation, being a tort, the law applicable in determining the occurrence
of the tort will
determine the defences available to a defendant.
(e) Hyperlinks
The risk exists that
websites owners providing links to other sites may be held liable for
the contents of linked
sites. An action for negligent misstatement may be brought on the
basis that the existence
of a link on the linking website gave rise to a representation that
the contents of the
website were true and reliable. A claimant may have difficulty though
in establishing the
necessary duly of care, and that the claimant's reliance was reasonable
and caused the loss
complained of.
(0 Criminal
Issues of what amount to
crime on the net and the relevant criminal jurisdiction will
depend on the activity
of, and jurisdiction where relevant elements of the offence
occurred. E-suppliers
may also fmd themselves victims ofcybercrime which may result
in civil liability in
negligence - e.g. include spoofing, data theft, defacing etc.
Managing the risk of
doing business in the internet
General Contract Terms
and Website Design
Most risks can be
managed by drafting appropriate terms and conditions for the use of a
and for any e-contract
that is made. In designing their websites and drafting terms and conditions
- appropriate terms
setting out the relevant information required concerning the e-supplier and
the contract and clear
rules as to when the contract will be considered to be concluded and
contractual obligations
arising from the contract should be defmed. Liability should be limited
and excluded as desired
and all other relevant terms should be specified. The design of the
website must ensure that
the terms and conditions for operation of the site and any c-contract
arising from the
operation of the website are effectively incorporated e.g. by use of
Jurisdiction and Choice
of Law Clauses
E-suppliers should lake
steps to limit the jurisdiction in which they can be sued by incorporating
an effective
jurisdiction clause into c-contracts. Although the extent to which choice of
clauses will apply to
non-contractual clauses is uncertain, these clauses should be drafted to
widely cover
non-contractual disputes.
Restricting Access
To avoid liability for
contravention of criminal law or regulations in certain jurisdictions, e-
suppliers may consider
limiting website access from those jurisdictions. A home page may, for
instance, require the
person accessing the website to state the jurisdiction from which they are
assessing the site. Unwanted jurisdictions can therefore be screened out
assuming that people are
honest about their
Third Party Material
Where c-supphers are
notified that third party material on parts of the web for which they are
responsible contains
harmful material, they should initiate a review as soon as possible. Linking
website owners may also
consider obtaining indemnities from linked websitc owners for any loss
suffered as a
consequence of me contents of the linked site.
Website Security
Potential claims may be
avoided by reviewing security architecture - e.g. the use of firewalls and
Alternative Dispute
Resolution (APR.)
ADR techniques can be
used to resolve disputes arising from the use of a web-site or out of an e-
contract. As an
alternative, arbitration may be used as a speedy and effective dispute
system. For an on-line
arbitration agreement to be valid, there must be agreement between the
parties which should
ideally from part of the contractual terms and conditions.
I have attempted to
present an overview of primarily legal issues arising from the conduct ofE.B.
and doing business on
the internet. Whilst this is not an exhaustive review of problems relating
this aspect of the law,
it is hoped that the issues highlighted and solutions proffered will assist
navigating the uncharted
course ofE.B. and e-commerce in Nigeria.