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Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution


Private Clients

Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Lobbying & Law Reform

Administrative & Public Law


Chieftaincy Affairs



Insurance & Re-Insurance



·                    Private Clients

Private clients comprise private individuals and their families whom we often act for in other areas of the law but who require lawyers to advice on their personal affairs ranging from family to wills, probate, trusts and settlements. Relevant, useful and sympathetic advice is given to guide private clients in decision making ranging from disputes in family to positions to separations or divorce (where marriage has broken down irretrievably).  Ward ship adoption and alimony. We advice and draw up wills to reduce tax, we take out probate and letters of administration and we act as executors of wills. We advice on the setting up of trusts and we manage trusts.

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·                    Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Litigation requires not only a good knowledge of the law but also tactical, organizational and management skills.  We are particularly experienced in using these additional skills in the leadership and management of terms of professional people that are necessary in every large dispute. 

We offer pre-emptive advice thereby reducing and avoiding potential disputes. Where disputes arise, we counsel and use alternative resolution of disputes mechanisms such as arbitration, mediation and conciliation. For disputes that result into court actions, we prosecute and defend actions from Tribunals to High Courts, the Court of Appeal arid the Supreme Court. We rely on pre-emptive remedies such as Mareva, Anton pillar orders, Interlocutory injunctions, and interlocutory procedures such as admissions, discoveries and interrogatories.

We handle commercial disputes of national or international scope. We have foreign associates with whom we work whenever the venue of the resolution of the dispute is outside Nigeria. We also receive instructions from foreign lawyers and their clients to institute or defend cases in Nigeria One of our partners has worked with a leading firm of solicitors in the UK and with leading barristers in the UK.

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·                    Lobbying & Law Reform

We lobby and organise lobbying teams to press for changes in laws, regulations and policies. We organise and participate in conferences, and contribute to journals with a view to law reform. We monitor proposed or pending policies, regulations and laws and advice clients on positions to take whenever such affects them. Some of these activities are conducted in association with our firms consulting outfit - Goldsmith Consulting.

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·                    Administrative and Public Law

Judicial review of administrative actions and decisions taken by government departments, parastatals and private companies. Review of disciplinary proceedings and hearings.

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·                    Arbitration

Domestic and international arbitration particularly on construction, shipping, telecommunications, foreign direct investment, intellectual property, licensing and joint venture disputes. Drawing and advising on  arbitration clauses in agreements. Enforcing recourse to arbitration clauses by obtaining injunctions and stay of court actions

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·                    Chieftaincy Affairs

Disputes relating to the recognition, appointment, approval, suspension and deposition of traditional rulers including their rights, duties and the limitations thereof.

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·                    Defamation

We check written material prior to publication for libel, advice accordingly and defend post publication claims. We institute and defend defamation actions. Clients include individuals and corporations such as publishers and broadcasters.

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·                    Ecclesiastical

Applications for the establishment of churches. Advice to church administrators on various matters pertaining to their Constitutions and general church administration including, land related disputes. Founder for almost three decades, our firm handled most of the legal work for the Lagos State Anglican Communion.

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·                    Insurance & Reinsurance

Life, non-life and re-insurance. Dealing with regulatory authorities, processing, enforcement or defence of claims. Documents regarding underwriting errors & omission and policies.

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Other Areas of Law
Corporate Commercials

Aviation & Shipping

Energy, Oil & Gas

Real Property

Intellectual Property



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Last modified: December 19, 2005

designed & built by: Henry Nwachukwu

e-mail: henrynwachukwu1@yahoo.com